Hey All!!

Today I got all set for my weight loss challenge.  If you are interested in checking out my progress I will update the "Challenge Log" page with all that information.  

I believe that I am truly ready to get this weight off.  I have worked out everyday this week and am excited to workout more.  I went to the grocery store today to get my food for the week.  I will be working on that day by day.  My first goal is to limit take out to once a week.  We will see how that goes.  I have also decided to limit after 9pm snacks to fruit only.  I picked up some bananas and apples to help with that.  Tonight I was SO close to just grabbing a bag of chips.  But I grabbed a banana instead.  Progress.  

This post will be short since it's pretty late and I have to get up early for a friend's wedding.  I'm really excited about this event and can't wait to share it with you tomorrow.  

Anyway.  Till tomorrow....

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