Hey Everyone!!

I know it's been a couple of days.  Well, I usually try to blog while I am at work and Thursday night I went to Katy's Bachelorette Party (part 1).  Also, this weekend was President's Day so I went to St. Louis to chill with family and friends.  So, unfortunately, I kept forgetting to let ya'll know what all was going on.  Well lets recap....

Thursday.  Totally regular day with classes and a work out that kicked my butt.  Thursday night Lindsey, Katy, and I went out to celebrate Katy's last weekend as a single woman.  I'm gonna say it... WE GOT WASTED!!!  It was college night at Bubbles and the special was 2 for $1.50 wells.  Bad idea.  We drank cranberry vodkas all night.  I had about 8.  After Bubbles we went across the alley to Zan.  Another bad idea.  When I'm drunk I love to dance.  With anyone.  This guy stopped me as I was crossing the dance floor and we started to dance.  Let's just say that from this point on, I don't remember much.  I actually blacked out.  Never happened before ever.  Lindsey came on the floor to tell me that she was taking Katy outside.  I was like "OK!"  My dance partner asks if we can talk outside, since it's so loud, and I'm like "sure."  When we get out there he keeps walking and next thing I know we are in his truck headed to my house.  We have to stop multiple times for me to vomit... gross.  I was totally messed up that night.  We got to my house, Lindsey and Katy get me out the car.  That is all I remember.  Lindsey tells me later that "we got you in the house and you just plopped in your bed.  We had to move you onto your side and get you a waste basket to throw up in.  You kept saying you were sorry.  Like every couple seconds."  I only remember waking up later on that night wanting to brush my teeth and drink some water.  The night was a complete blur.  I will have to get all the detail from Lindsey and Katy and share later.

Friday.  Woke up with a hangover.  First ever.  I'm sure you don't believe me, but let me say, I do get drunk at times.  But Thursday night was the drunkest ever.  And I had to make up a lab at the Child Development Center.  Such a bad idea.  I couldn't run with the kids outside for fear that I would start vomiting.  Inside, it was a little bit better.  I looked for the kids that were doing the least and hung out with them.  After lab, I went home, ate some lunch, then packed up my car and headed to St. Louis.  Once I got to my parents house, I took a nap.  I woke up to Fernando calling to see if I wanted to hang out.  We met up and had dinner at the City Diner on Grand.  Afterwards, I headed home and crashed.

Saturday.  Totally slept in.  Picked up Marissa and Lorna and headed to Chesterfield Mall.  We just walked around.  I ran into my sista Stephanie at Victoria Secrets and we chatted for a bit.  I miss her a lot.  She was my party buddy while she was at school.  After the mall, we headed to Applebee's for some eats.  I just ate an appetizer since I knew I was meeting Fernando for dinner.  I met with Fernando after dropping my friends off and we made our way to the southside to see about Mardi Gras.  By the time we got there it was pretty much all closed up.  We decided to check out the Landing and once we got close we realized where everyone had gone.  The Landing.  It took us a little while to find parking but once we did we had the perfect spot.  We parked facing an alley that led to Big Daddy's.  For a while we just sat in the car just watching people stumble around making up the conversations they were having.  Then I got hungry for pancakes.  So we left for Uncle Bill's Pancake House.  We sat there and ate for quite a while.  Whenever I go there it never seems to be just an eat and leave.  The service was great.  And I highly recommend going if you've never been.

Sunday.  I slept in.  Showered.  Then packed up the car.  I was heading out when I figured that since it was still early I would go ahead and get the much needed final new tire put on the car.  The wait?  2 hours.  OK.  Since there was a shopping center, I walked around a bit, got some lunch, then went back to the tire place to watch some TV and try to do some studying.  As I was getting restless, I realized that the car was done.  Yes!  Hopped in and headed back to Springfield.  

As you can see a lot did go on this weekend.  I'm sorry that I could not go into great detail for fear that this post would be too long.  And since it is SO long I will say "See Ya!'
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Today is the day of love.... Romance.... Candy... Balloons.... Fine Dining....

Blah.  Blah.  Blah.

I would like to pretend that Valentine's Day means nothing but a day created to get people to spend money on things that they should be buying any other day.  But let's be real.  It's nice beingthat girl that get's flowers from her sweetie while at work or school.  And I guess since I don't really have a boyfriend, it's like "aww that's so cute..." but really I'm like "booo..."  I'm just saying.

But I will have to admit that I did participate with Valentine's.  I got my roommates some cards with some candy.  I'm not really expecting them to get me anything.  I got their stuff on a humbug while shopping at Target.  I only spent like $4 between the two of them.  I love giving out cards and stuff like that.  I guess I kind of just wish that I could spend Valentine's or something of that nature with someone I really like.

Yo!  But don't feel sorry, or think that I am looking for some kind of sympathy... blah blah blah.  I'm not.  I'm just being real and saying how I feel.  Tomorrow, this will all be a memory.

Anyway.  Since I don't have a sweetie, I was able to get quite a bit of work done today.  My day started off with my child development lab at the Child Development Center.  It was fun.  I'm in the two year old room and those kids are hilarious.  They are just all over the place.  And their imagination is amazing.  I really enjoy hanging out with those kids.

Afterwards, I went straight to the gym for my workout class.  And boy was it a workout.  I was sweating bullets.  Shoulders all sore from lifting.  Abs sore from crunching.  It was A LOT.  But I felt amazing afterwards.  Tomorrow I am running.  I'm a try to hit up a class too, but I'm not sure if I can.  I will definitely log the run though for the 30 day challenge.  I have to get on that.  The days are passing by.

After my workout, I went home to shower and grab a quick lunch before heading to Sociology.  In class we talked about immigration.  Very hot topic.  Even in my class you could see the division.  It was very interesting to hear people's views on the subject.  I, personally, am not really sure where I stand on it.  I feel like there are more pressing issues than immigration.  People complain that illegals are taking "our jobs".  But what about big businesses that send "our jobs" to other countries?  I'm not going to really go there.  I am not really a political person and I don't want to speak on things that I really am not versed on.  So, we will end this discussion here.

After class it was off to the Student Union for a Student Government meeting.  Now, that was entertaining.  There is currently a lot of controversy on campus because of possible tuition increases.  Well, actually not even possible.  It's going to happen.  It's just a matter of by how much.  I learned today that Missouri doesn't really support higher education as much as it's proud that we have the lowest cigarette tax.  How much sense does does that make?

Once the meeting was over, I stopped by my house to get some cake for my brother and his roommates.  I chilled out over at their place just for about 45 minutes, then headed to the library.  I did some reading for some classes and took some notes, had dinner, hit up Facebook and Twitter, and now here.

As I'm writing this post, I'm listening to some Pandora (Big Sean Radio) and snacking on some raisins.  The library is starting to clear out and I have like an hour before I can start to pack up.  I'm really excited about this weekend.  It's a 4 day weekend since I don't have class on Friday and Monday.  I'll be going to St. Louis to chill out.  I have downloaded the WordPress app for my phone so maybe I'll upload some pictures.  We'll see.

Till tomorrow....

Hello Everybody!

Today was supposed to be a lazy day.  It snowed.  I'm not really a fan of snow.  Mostly because I'm not a fan of the cold.  I see snow, I know it's cold outside.  When do I like snow?  In pictures.  That's it.

I initially had no intention of even leaving the house, except to come to work.  I didn't even go to class today.  It wasn't cancelled from what I could tell, but I didn't want to go outside.  Not a very good example to set, but hey, I haven't missed a class until today.  What got me outside, you ask?  My phone.

I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I have been having issues with my phone.  Since Friday, my phone would periodically not accept any phone calls or text messages for hours.  Then I would get flooded with them.  I couldn't even dial out sometimes.  So, to the Sprint store I went.

I told them my issues and gave them the phone.  They said "about 2 hours" and I said "fine."  I walked out the store and headed to Best Buy to walk around.  I wasn't really looking for anything, I just didn't know where else to go.  I guess I could have went to the mall but there are WAY too many temptations there.

After Best Buy, I went to Aldi's to pick up some cheese.  I absolutely adore Aldi's.  Their food is cheap and super fresh.  No, they do not have name brand stuff, well sometimes they do.  But their brand, to me, tastes just as good if not better.  Everything is so fresh there because they don't over stock too much.  And since so many people come to shop there they are always setting out new food.  I don't let anyone down talk Aldi's.

Anyway, I went back to the Sprint store and they told me that my phone was "not sending or receiving signals from any of the towers."


"Yes.  The phone's frequencies were bad."

"Nice."  So, they gave me a new phone.   Thank goodness for insurance.

I headed home and decided that I would watch some lectures from my iCourse (telecourse) and get some studying done.  I hooked my laptop up to the TV, got my notebooks, glass of water, sharpened pencils, and sat on the couch.  I pulled up iTunes to watch my lecture and.... no video just PDF transcripts of the video.  You've got to be kidding me.  I turn on Hulu Plus and watch an episode of "Grimm".  So much for studying.

After "Grimm" Lindsey called me to see if I wanted to get some Steak n' Shake for dinner.  Sold!  Put on my boots and sweatshirt and was ready to go.  I ordered the chili cheese dog with cheese fries and a chocolate covered strawberry shake.  As you can tell, I am definitely NOT on a diet.  Although, Ireally should do something better about the way I eat.

"I'm going to the library."  Is what I told Lindsey when she dropped my off back at the house.  "Right after my nap."  Is what I said after she left.  I was super tired after eating all that food.  I know sleeping is not the thing to do but man.  I was tired.  I overslept by an hour but still had time to get set before coming to work.

At least at work, I have been productive.  I printed out the transcripts and I found the lectures and have been downloading them.  I printed out PowerPoint slides for other classes and submitted my assignment that was due today, for the class I skipped.  I checked email.  Ate a snack, strawberry Greek yogurt.  And now, I'm working on this post.

Tomorrow, I will be ready to be productive and get some studying done.  Promise?  Nope, can't promise.

Till another day....

Hey Readers!!

Sorry, I didn't get to post yesterday.  I was invited out at the last minute and got home at like 5am this morning.  Nah, I can't say that I got totally wasted or anything.  It's that time of the month.  Hell, I'm on my period and I'm on some pain meds and didn't want to mix them with alcohol.  We were out celebrating my friend Maddie's birthday.  So, I just bought her a couple drinks.

Yesterday, the sun FINALLY came out.  And the first thing I did???  Cleaned out my car.  Well, actually it's technically not my car.  My brother is in Italy for the semester, so I'm just borrowing it till he gets back.  And oh my gosh, it was SO dirty.  Like super dirty.  I meant to take some before and after pics but I totally forgot once I got started.  I was really motivated.

I mean, I wiped down EVERYTHING.  I also lucked up on some front seat covers at the thrift store for $4 each.  They didn't really even look like they had been used.  For the back seat I found a cute little blanket.  I tucked it into the sides and top and even cut out the seat belt clickers.  The car interior looks so much better.
I also, started to watch two new Korean dramas.  Yes, you read that right.  I absolutely love watching Korean dramas.  I started with "Operation Proposal".  This one seems cute.  It's about a guy who has been friends with the girl he loves for like twenty years but he never made a move on her.  In the first episode she gets married to another man and he finds out that she used to also have feelings for him.  He meets Father Time and is given the opportunity to go back in time.  Can't wait to see how it all goes for him.

The other show I'm trying out is "Peninsula".  From what I can gather, it's about North and South Korea trying to unify.  But it seems that there are some government officials that don't want this to happen.  It's pretty big budget and seems good so far.  I'll have to see how the next episode goes if I'll continue to watch or not.  I try to give shows two watches before deciding.

If you are interested in checking out some shows, I watch all mine on Drama Fever.  They have a great selection.

Anyway.  Today has been pretty low key.  I was supposed to study all day.  But, well, that didn't happen.  I went out to eat with some friends at Old Chicago;  they have a very good pizza.  And then had a sorority meeting.

Oh yeah.  I'm in a sorority.  I'm the President of the Delta Xi Chapter for Gamma Sigma Sigma.  I love it.  We are a national service sorority.  And I absolutely adore all the girls.  This is my third year with the organization.  I highly recommend any college student to join a student organization.  It doesn't even have to be a Greek organization.  Just something.  Get out there.  Get involved.  This organization has opened so many doors for me.  It has greatly enhanced my college experience.

I'd better quit before this post gets too long.  Anyway, just real quick, I've decided to try the Shape 30 day challenge of 30 miles in 30 days.  I'll post my runs for this.

Well, till another day....

Ps.  Comments encouraged :D

Today I have been quite distracted.  Fernando went home today.  I admit that I am much more sad about his departure than I thought I would be.  He was only here for a week but it felt longer.  Like he had always been here.  He got along so well with my roommates that they were asking when he'd be back.  I felt so comfortable with him being here.  It was nice coming home to someone after class or work.  And it wasn't like he didn't keep himself busy while I was gone.  He kept our space nice and tidy, taking out the trash or doing dishes.  It was like he was a part of our family.  

When I got home from dropping him off at the Greyhound, I noticed that he had left a message on our bathroom wall.  It really made me smile and fell a little choked up at the same time.  I really like this guy.

I'm trying to do some homework and all I do is think about him.  I feel so silly.  I need to wake up and get a grip on life.  I will get to see him next weekend when I go to visit St. Louis for President's Day weekend.  

Other than Fernando leaving, today has been pretty uneventful.  My roommate, Lindsey, and I went to look at apartments for the summer.  We did find one that we really liked.  It is a little further than where we live now, which is OK.  We are looking at a few more places before we make our final decision.  We'll see how that goes.  

Till another day.... 

So, today was pretty good.  Kind of low key.  I slept in and watched a little TV.  After lunch I headed to campus for a meeting with my adviser and class.  After class I met up with my friend, Fernandos.

He has been visiting me for the last week.  He is heading home tomorrow and I must admit that I am kind of sad.  It was really nice having someone, other than a family member, come and visit me.  What is our relationship exactly?  Just friends for now.  I think that at this time we are both not really ready for a more intimate relationship.  But I really like this starting things slow and really getting to know each other.

It will be interesting to see how our relationship evolves.  Right now everything is new but we try to be as real with each other as possible.  I am a super optimist so I'm sure that things will work out.

Although, I must say that I am working at trying to not put myself fully out there.  I so easily fall.  And I get hurt easily.  I don't want to totally wall up my heart but I will work on being more cautious.  We'll see how that goes.

On a lighter note... in my sociology class we talked about aging in US culture and the Professor asked how old is old.  Someone shouted "Thirty!"  I was a little taken back.  I don't think thirty is old.  But that may be because I am thirty.  And I guess to a twenty-one year old thirty is old.  I do know that when I was younger I totally thought I would be more accomplished before my twenty-fifth birthday.  But we see how that went.  I wanted marriage, two kids, and a career.  I didn't get married for at least another year, I have no kids, and well... a career?  I'm in school for that now.  It's funny how things change.  How reality can really kick your butt.

I have a totally new perspective and new goals for my future.  Get out of debt.  Live somewhere that makes me happy.  Find my true home.  Travel outside the US.  Kids?  Sure why not.  But I'm not really in a rush.  And I actually don't mind adopting, if that's what I'm going to have to do.  Marriage?  Probably not, unless I find that AMAZING guy.

I just want to live life.  My life.  I am so done with living to make other people happy.  Doing that made me miserable.  And I think that my thirties will be my time of self discovery.  I'm really excited for this period of my life and I can't wait to see how it all works out.

Till another day....

Hey all!!!

Here is my first entry.  I will start off by telling you a little about myself and why I am doing this blog.

First, I will tell you that I am thirty years old and loving it.  If you don't believe me, all I can say is trust that I am telling the truth.  Now, you may be asking why.  Well, because I'm doing what I've always wanted to do and I have the support of my family and friends.  I am back in college full time.  Sure lots of people are going back to school these days because of the economy.  I am well aware that I am not the only thirty something out here.  But I am really loving doing this college thing.  It is a totally different world here and I am living it to the fullest.  So, I will keep you, dear reader, up to date with all my college shenanigans.

I am also, technically, married.  I say technically because it's all just on paper.  My husband and I have not lived together for a few years.  And not because we live in separate cities but that does have a little to do with it.  I am working now to fill out the divorce papers, as we have finally decided to do it.  So, this is something else I will keep you up to date on.  Just a note -- I may need encouragement with this.  I am ready but I don't really know WHY I procrastinate this.

Some other things about me?

I LOVE the color pink.  I actually bought the Gaps "So Pink" fragrance because since it's my favorite color I just knew that I would love the smell.  And I was right.  I wear it everyday.

I also love food.  I will post food periodically. Pizza is my absolute favorite but I really enjoy trying new foods.  I think that this semester I would like to try some new restaurants.  I may post reviews here as well.  We'll see.

I love music.  It is essential to my everyday life.  I am constantly listening to it.  I typically use Pandora, mostly because I can get to it from my computer and phone easily.  I'm not really good at purchasing MP3s since the last album I bought was a vinyl.  I adore vinyl.  The sound is so gritty and raw and it wins me over every time.  And luckily you can still get new music on vinyl.

I hope that you will get a feel for my personality here.  I'm not really sure how that will work, but I try to write as I talk.  I will be very interested to see how that comes out.

Well.  I don't want to overwhelm you on the first post.  As the days go on you will learn more about me.  Follow me on twitter for more at the moment thoughts.  :)

Till another day....